Uncle Bill's Bail Bonds


Can Bail Granted Be Challenged?

Can Bail Granted Be Challenged?

Yes, bail amounts with the court or judge can be challenged. You can have your attorney put in for a modification of the bond request.…
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How Do Inmates Get Home After Being Released From Jail?

How Do Inmates Get Home After Being Released From Jail?

A team member from Uncle Bill’s Bail Bonds would be willing to come pick someone up at the jail if you cannot find someone to come pick you up. Sometimes we have ordered an Uber for people or called relatives or the co-signer to come pick the defendant up.…
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Why Would A Bond Hearing Be Cancelled?

Why Would A Bond Hearing Be Cancelled?

A bond hearing can be canceled if the person doesn’t show up to court. Another would be if they broke the conditions of the bond or were too sick to show up or in the hospital or a new attorney has been hired.…
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What's Considered Excessive Bail?

What’s Considered Excessive Bail?

Excessive bail is for example, such as bail for a traffic offense that is $50,000… this would be an example of excessive bail.…
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What Comes After An Indictment?

What Comes After An Indictment?

After indictment comes the first court appearance.…
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What Is Free Bail?

What Is Free Bail?

Free bail is OR, (Own Recognizance); you are signing a paper to the court saying that you promise to return back to court and if you do not return you will get a warrant for your arrest; usually, this is for people who are first time offenders with a good…
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Can I Get Out Of Joint Bond?

Can I Get Out Of Joint Bond?

You can, but just know that if you get out of your co-signed bond, this means the defendant is going to end up going back to jail and your money that was put up to a bondsman is now non-refundable.…
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What Happens If You Can't Pay Your Bond?

What Happens If You Can’t Pay Your Bond?

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At Uncle Bills Bail Bonds, we are pretty lenient on making payment arrangements for people; we understand people go through hard times and we are willing to settle through other means like collateral or payment arrangements. As long as you are staying in communication and out of trouble, it should…
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How Do I Cancel My Bond Agreement?

How Do I Cancel My Bond Agreement?

If you are the person being charged and put in jail, you cannot cancel your bond agreement. If you are the co-signer and want to cancel your bond, you can do this but we would have to put the defendant back in jail.…
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How Long Can You Be Held In Jail Before Trial In Kansas?

How Long Can You Be Held In Jail Before Trial In Kansas?

In Kansas, you can be held for any amount of time until trial; a trial can come quickly as a few hours or months to years. If the lawyers keep making continuances it can last much longer.…
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