Uncle Bill's Bail Bonds


Can Police Officer Grant Bail In Bailable Offence?

Can Police Officer Grant Bail In Bailable Offence?

No, police are not involved in the bail process at all. Only the judge can assign and determine bail amounts.…
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Can You Bail Yourself Out Of Jail With A Debit Card?

Can You Bail Yourself Out Of Jail With A Debit Card?

Yes, through a bondsman you can bail yourself with a debit card, credit card or collateral. If you are trying to bail yourself out without a bondsman, then cash is the only thing you can use. If you do not have the cash on you, you will have to try…
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How Long Does The Bond Process Take?

How Long Does The Bond Process Take?

It depends on the case, but it can take anywhere from 30 minutes with the bondsman and anywhere between 2-4 hours for the jail to release you.…
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How Long Can A Bondsman Look For You?

How Long Can A Bondsman Look For You?

A bondsman can look for you forever as long as you have a warrant. County gives you 90 days to find the person and the city of Sedgwick County gives you 30 days to find the person; after that, the bondsman is responsible for the full amount of the bond.…
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Can Bail Order Be Reviewed?

Can Bail Order Be Reviewed?

Yes, bail can be reviewed. But when a person goes to jail, the bond is set; they have the opportunity to bail out or stay. If the bail amount has been reduced, it doesn’t change how much the person owes, it just brings down the amount that we have toward…
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On What Grounds Can Bail Be Refused?

On What Grounds Can Bail Be Refused?

Bonds can be refused for reasons such as a person has been determined to be a flight risk or has a poor bond history. The person can enter an exclusion zone for example wearing an electronic tracking device and going too close to the place or person that they should…
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What Happens When Someone Revokes Your Bond?

What Happens When Someone Revokes Your Bond?

If the bond is revoked then you go back to jail. This happens when you do not meet the requirements for being out on bond. This is how a bond can be revoked.…
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Can I Bail Myself Out?

Can I Bail Myself Out?

Yes, let’s say the bail amount is $2500 and you happen to have $2500 in cash on you, you can quickly pull the cash out of your pocket and pay the bond right then and there; but if you don’t have $2500 on you, then you will be either calling…
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Is Bail Available During Preliminary Investigation?

Is Bail Available During Preliminary Investigation?

If it is preliminary, that means the person has already been charged with the offense and been arrested. In this case, that means the judge has already assigned a bail bond amount.…
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How Do You Bail Someone Out Of Jail?

How Do You Bail Someone Out Of Jail?

If you want to bail someone out of jail you can use a reliable co-signer who can help pay for you to post bail. You can pay the court the total bail bonds amount or go to a bondsman and pay 10% of the total amount and the bondsman puts…
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